Von Frey Apparatus

Hi all,

I am a graduate student who is new to pain research, and I am currently planning to use Von Frey Hairs for my upcoming study. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could share a standard protocol or recommend any reading materials related to this experimental technique. As this is my first time conducting this experiment, any guidance or resources would be immensely helpful.

Additionally, I would like to inquire about the best place to purchase the filaments for Von Frey testing. If anyone could suggest reliable vendors or share their experiences with purchasing these filaments, I would be grateful for your insights.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and support.


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Hi Bishir. Welcome.

Every lab does it a little differently I’ve found, which is one reason for the wide variability seen in the literature.

The most detailed protocol I’ve seen is from Jax, which I think is as good a source as any to imitate since they’re a major mouse breeding and phenotyping site

You may also consider SUDO from @Boninrp, which is a simpler version of the von Frey assay that has found an audience in recent years. When I use conventional filaments, this is what I do

We discussed it previously

Good luck!

Thank you so much for your response. These materials are indeed very helpful.

Hi Bishir, I think this paper will give you more details about Von Frey Hairs.

Thank you so much for sharing.

Hi Bishir. When applying the filaments, it is crucial the behavioral state of the animal (at least for mice). Repeated habituation is a must. This article may help you:

Also, pay attention and distinguish the fast immediate withdrawal response when the filament is not yet completely bent from the response obtained when the filament is bent and the response happens within 3-5 sec. of applying it.
Best of luck!

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Thank you David. This paper helped a lot in understanding the behavioral state.