Very useful info here.
@tberta @RPSeal @jordangmccall @liz @thicunha @zhzhj131421 @SamineniV
Very useful info here.
@tberta @RPSeal @jordangmccall @liz @thicunha @zhzhj131421 @SamineniV
Great paper. Thanks for pointing it out. I recently visited Uli, Hendrik and colleagues. They showed me these data. Striking is the effect of the hSyn promoter in DRG. Great if you want to avoid but according to this study, perhaps not great if you want to hit them. Could have been one of the keys to our success in avoiding DRG expression in our Neuron 2015 paper. Interested to see what others have found with this promoter, which I think is terrific for expression in spinal cord neurons.