Protein Isolation for Western Blots (protocols)?

Hey all,
Looking to do some protein work soon. I have some personal protocols from grad school but it’d be nice to see what people are doing.

If you’re willing, share your protocol for:


  • Spinal cord
  • DRG
  • Nerve


  • DRG
  • Nerve

I made video a few years back on Mouse DRG lysate prep based on the protocol @tberta taught me

I used to use a BeadBeater as well for many things. I like to avoid the sonicator whenever possible, but I don’t have the bead beater anymore.

@tberta @sshiers @CandlerPaige @thicunha @ShanTan

Hey all. I’ll answer my own question. I used a Dounce homogenizer for hDRG and hSC, and for mouse DRG and nerve.

RIPA + complete mini + halt protease inhibitor

Looked at TUBB3 by capillary electrophoresis immunoassay (like a Western).

Looks good! Can’t say that all proteins were extracted optimally but it’s good enough to get some protein.

I’ll post protocols soon.