Recommendation for ATF3 antibody (not Santa Cruz)

Does anyone have recommendations for an ATF3 antibody? The Santa Cruz one was excellent but is no longer available.

@tberta @liz

@sshiers have any suggestions?

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Is the one from Santa Cruz a mouse monoclonal?

This was the one that worked well:
No longer available.

We are considering to try the following one:

We will keep you posted!

Thanks @tberta. Please keep us posted.


There is a rabbit monoclonal from abcam that works great.

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Awesome! Thanks @ShanTan

We’re about to test out the Abcam rabbit on DRG and SC this week …

also, has anyone looked at ATF3 in the brain after a peripheral injury? I saw in the ATF3-CreERT2 mouse paper ( that they showed a qualitative image of ATF3 in PVT, but I couldn’t find other examples …

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@sshiers Have you found a good ATF3 antibody?

Never tried ATF3 antibodies before

We changed the santa cruz ATF3 for the Abcam one. ref ab207434. it works well!

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I forgot to say that we also tested the abcam ab180842 and it was not working in our hands.

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Thank you @mpertin for the news. This is very helpful. Would you be willing to share some images? I’m glad you were able to find a suitable replacement for the Santa Cruz antibody. Also, welcome to the Pain Researcher forum!

Sure! here it is. DRG L5 form SNL mice

and a "SNL"Sham L5 image

and we had no signal at all in the Naive DRG. Was also great in blue wit AF350 antibody.

We also test the Thermofisher one Catalog Number PA5-36244
and the Abcam ab180842

both of them were NOT working

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@mpertin: Thank you! This is wonderful. You will save many labs time and money because you so generously shared your experience here. This is how science should be.

The images look great! Interesting how much injury still occurs in the sham. Well done.

with pleasure!!!
Yes the sham for SNL model in our hands gives quite some ATF3 signal also…even if it is a sham it is quite an invasive procedure still (open muscle and break bones). but it also depend from the skills of the person doing the surgery.

Hi all. I used the ATF3 antibody that @mpertin recommended at 1:500 and it looked great.

Also I tried a c-Jun antibody on DRG from sciatic nevre crush at POD1. Looks great!