WIS-neuromath settings for analysis of DRG cell cultures

Is anyone here using WIS-neuromath in their work?

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I’ve used WIS-neuromath to measure neurite lengths of cultured DRG neurons. It’s a pretty good program to use for measuring total and longest neurite length as well as number of branches and it’s not a terribly difficult program to use.

Did you you have a setting that you particularly paid attention to when you set it up? I have quite a “dirty” culture with a lot of unspecific binding and a some background and I am measuring the same conditions as you were.

I think the most important parameters to pay attention to are the minimum diameter and the noise level. For images with background noise, you could try increasing the minimum diameter to only get measurements for the neurons and not the other smaller particles around it. You could also try increasing the noise level to 5-6 and see if that helps.

oh thanks a lot for the advice, I’ll watch for these parameters.